Regression based on Forecast in Time Series Data
# Data 불러오기기 <- fread(paste(getwd(),"Amtrak.csv", sep="/"))
# Create time series
ridership.ts <- ts($Ridership, start=c(1991,1), end=c(2004,3), freq=12)
plot(ridership.ts, xlab="Time", ylab="Ridership", ylim=c(1300,2300), bty="l")
package에 tslm()
을 이용하여 쉽게 모형을 추정할 수 있다.tslm()
함수 인자에 y~trend
를 해준다.forecast()
함수를 이용하며, h
는 미래 몇 시점까지 예측할 것인지를 나타내고 level
은 신뢰구간의 신뢰수준을 의미한다.# Decompose train data and validation data
train.ts <- window(ridership.ts,start=c(1991,1), end=c(2001,3))
valid.ts <- window(ridership.ts,start=c(2001,4))
nValid <- length(valid.ts)
# Fit linear trend model to training set and create forecasts
train.lm <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend)
train.lm.pred <- forecast(train.lm, h=nValid, level=0) # h : Number of periods for forecasting / level : Confidence level for prediction intervals.
# Plot
plot(train.lm.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.lm.pred$fitted, lwd=2, col="blue")
plot(train.lm.pred$residuals, ylim=c(-420,500), ylab="Residual", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1996,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(valid.ts-train.lm.pred$mean, lwd=1)
tslm(formula = train.ts ~ trend)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-411.29 -114.02 16.06 129.28 306.35
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1750.3595 29.0729 60.206 <2e-16 ***
trend 0.3514 0.4069 0.864 0.39
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 160.2 on 121 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.006125, Adjusted R-squared: -0.002089
F-statistic: 0.7456 on 1 and 121 DF, p-value: 0.3896
에서 lambda=0
이면 지수 추세이다.
인자는 Box-Cox 변환(정규분포를 따르는 확률변수로 변수변환하는데 유용)을 적용하는데 사용된다.lambda=0
이면 \(\log{Y_{t}}\)을 적합하고, 예측값은 자동으로 원래 scale로 변환된다.lambda=1
이면 시계열은 변환되지 않으며 모형은 선형 추세를 가진다.# Fit exponential trend using tslm() with argument lambda=0
train.lm.expo.trend <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend, lambda=0)
train.lm.expo.trend.pred <- forecast(train.lm.expo.trend, h=nValid, level=0)
# Fit linear trend using tslm() with argument lambda = 1 (No transform of y)
train.lm.linear.trend <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend, lambda=1)
train.lm.linear.trend.pred <- forecast(train.lm.linear.trend, h=nValid, level=0)
# Plot
plot(train.lm.expo.trend.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.lm.expo.trend.pred$fitted, lwd=2, col="blue")
lines(train.lm.linear.trend.pred$fitted, lwd=2, col="black", lty=3)
lines(train.lm.linear.trend.pred$mean, lwd=2, col="black", lty=3)
을 이용한다.# Fit quadratic trend using function I(), which trats an object "as is"
train.lm.poly.trend <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2))
train.lm.poly.trend.pred <- forecast(train.lm.poly.trend, h=nValid, level=0)
plot(train.lm.poly.trend.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.lm.poly.trend.pred$fitted, lwd=2)
plot(train.lm.poly.trend.pred$residuals, ylim=c(-420,500), ylab="Residual", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1996,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(valid.ts-train.lm.poly.trend.pred$mean, lwd=1)
함수 인자에 y~season
을 해준다.tslm()
에서 자동적으로 더미변수를 생성)
# Include season as a predictor in tslm(). Here it creates 11 dummies,
# One for each month except for the first season, January.
train.lm.season <- tslm(train.ts ~ season) # 참조변수 = Season 1
train.lm.season.pred <- forecast(train.lm.season, h=nValid, level=0)
tslm(formula = train.ts ~ season)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-276.165 -52.934 5.868 54.544 215.081
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1573.97 30.58 51.475 < 2e-16 ***
season2 -42.93 43.24 -0.993 0.3230
season3 260.77 43.24 6.030 2.19e-08 ***
season4 245.09 44.31 5.531 2.14e-07 ***
season5 278.22 44.31 6.279 6.81e-09 ***
season6 233.46 44.31 5.269 6.82e-07 ***
season7 345.33 44.31 7.793 3.79e-12 ***
season8 396.66 44.31 8.952 9.19e-15 ***
season9 75.76 44.31 1.710 0.0901 .
season10 200.61 44.31 4.527 1.51e-05 ***
season11 192.36 44.31 4.341 3.14e-05 ***
season12 230.42 44.31 5.200 9.18e-07 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 101.4 on 111 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6348, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5986
F-statistic: 17.54 on 11 and 111 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
plot(train.lm.season.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.lm.season.pred$fitted, lwd=2)
plot(train.lm.season.pred$residuals, ylim=c(-420,500), ylab="Residual", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1996,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(valid.ts-train.lm.season.pred$mean, lwd=1)
에서 lambda=0
설정)# Multiplicative seasonality
train.expo.lm.season <- tslm(train.ts ~ season, lambda=0)
train.expo.lm.season.pred <- forecast(train.expo.lm.season, h=nValid, level=0)
# Plot
plot(train.expo.lm.season.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.expo.lm.season.pred$fitted, lwd=2)
함수 인자에서 y~trend+season
을 해준다.train.lm.trend.season <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2) + season)
train.lm.trend.season.pred <- forecast(train.lm.trend.season, h=nValid, level=0)
tslm(formula = train.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2) + season)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-213.775 -39.363 9.711 42.422 152.187
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.697e+03 2.768e+01 61.318 < 2e-16 ***
trend -7.156e+00 7.293e-01 -9.812 < 2e-16 ***
I(trend^2) 6.074e-02 5.698e-03 10.660 < 2e-16 ***
season2 -4.325e+01 3.024e+01 -1.430 0.15556
season3 2.600e+02 3.024e+01 8.598 6.60e-14 ***
season4 2.606e+02 3.102e+01 8.401 1.83e-13 ***
season5 2.938e+02 3.102e+01 9.471 6.89e-16 ***
season6 2.490e+02 3.102e+01 8.026 1.26e-12 ***
season7 3.606e+02 3.102e+01 11.626 < 2e-16 ***
season8 4.117e+02 3.102e+01 13.270 < 2e-16 ***
season9 9.032e+01 3.102e+01 2.911 0.00437 **
season10 2.146e+02 3.102e+01 6.917 3.29e-10 ***
season11 2.057e+02 3.103e+01 6.629 1.34e-09 ***
season12 2.429e+02 3.103e+01 7.829 3.44e-12 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 70.92 on 109 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8246, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8037
F-statistic: 39.42 on 13 and 109 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
plot(train.lm.trend.season.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="", flty=2)
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.lm.trend.season.pred$fitted, lwd=2)
plot(train.lm.trend.season.pred$residuals, ylim=c(-420,500), ylab="Residual", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1996,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(valid.ts-train.lm.trend.season.pred$mean, lwd=1)
함수를 이용하여 자기상관을 구할 수 있다.reidership.24.ts <- window(train.ts, start=c(1991,1), end=c(1991,24) )
Acf(reidership.24.ts, lag.max=12, main="")
Acf(train.lm.trend.season$residuals, lag.max = 12, main="")
# Fit linear regression with quadratic tren and seasonality to Ridership
train.lm.trend.season <- tslm(train.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2) + season) # 관측값에 대한 예측모형
# Fit AR(1) model to training residuals
# Use Arima() in the forecast package to fit an ARIMA model
train.res.arima <- Arima(train.lm.trend.season$residuals, order=c(1,0,0)) # 잔차에 AR(1) 모형 적합NAtrain.res.arima.pred <- forecast(train.res.arima, h=nValid, level=0) # 적합된 AR(1) 모형으로 미래 잔차 예측NAsummary(train.res.arima)
Series: train.lm.trend.season$residuals
ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean
ar1 mean
0.5998 0.3728
s.e. 0.0712 11.8408
sigma^2 estimated as 2876: log likelihood=-663.54
AIC=1333.08 AICc=1333.29 BIC=1341.52
Training set error measures:
Training set -0.1223159 53.19141 39.8277 103.3885 175.2219 0.5721356
Training set -0.07509305
# Plot
plot(train.lm.trend.season$residuals, ylim=c(-250,250), ylab="Residual", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(train.res.arima.pred$fitted, lwd=2, col="blue")
valid.res.arima.pred <- forecast(train.res.arima, h=1)
Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
Apr 2001 7.41111 -61.31748 76.1397 -97.70019 112.5224
forecast(train.lm.trend.season, h=1)
Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
Apr 2001 2004.271 1905.227 2103.315 1852.024 2156.518
Acf(train.res.arima$residuals, lag.max = 12)
# Improved forecast
res.arima <-[,1]
fore <-, h=nValid, level=0 ))[,1]
Improved_forecast <- apply(cbind(res.arima,fore), 1,sum) # Data.frame 변환환
[1] 2011.682 2050.014 2011.580 2130.452 2189.195 1875.951 2008.596
[8] 2008.231 2054.230 1820.195 1785.984 2098.412 2108.310 2150.910
[15] 2115.620 2236.961 2297.769 1986.346 2120.668 2121.891 2169.427
[22] 1936.896 1904.171 2218.074 2229.440 2273.504 2239.676 2362.476
[29] 2424.743 2114.779 2250.559 2253.241 2302.235 2071.162 2039.895
[36] 2355.256
# Plot
Improved_forecast <- ts(Improved_forecast, start=c(2001,4), end=c(2004,3), freq=12) # Time series 변환환
plot(train.lm.trend.season.pred, ylim=c(1300,2600), ylab="Ridership", xlab="Time", bty="l", xaxt="n", xlim=c(1991,2006.25), main="")
axis(1, at=seq(1991,2006,1), labels=format(seq(1991,2006,1)))
lines(Improved_forecast, lwd=1, col="orange")
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