Bayesian Structural Time Seires for Time Series Data
Structural Time Seires (STS) 모형에 Bayesian 방법을 적용
하는 방법이다.Dynamic Linear Model (DLM)과 동일한 개념
이다.\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t}&=Z^{T}_{t}\alpha_{t}+\epsilon_{t},~~~~~~~\epsilon_{t}\sim N_{m}(0,H_{t}), \\ \alpha_{t+1}&=T_{t}\alpha_{t}+R_{t}\eta_{t},~~~\eta_{t}\sim N_{q}(0,Q_{t}),\\ \alpha_{1} &\sim N_{p} (\mu_{1}, P_{1}) \end{aligned} \]
를 통해 다룰 수 있다.
는 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) 방법으로 BSTS의 사후분포로부터 표본을 추출하여 적합과 예측이 수행된다.\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t} &= \mu_{t} + \epsilon_{t},~~~~\epsilon_{t}\sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon})\\ \mu_{t+1} &= \mu_{t} + \xi_{t}, ~~~\xi_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\xi }), \end{aligned} \]
에서 AddLocalLevel()
을 사용하면 된다.ss <- list()
ss <- bsts::AddLocalLevel(ss, y) # y : The time series to be modeled
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t} &= \mu_{t} + \epsilon_{t},~~~~~~~~~~\epsilon_{t}\sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon})\\ \mu_{t+1} &= \mu_{t} + \delta_{t} + \xi_{t}, ~~~\xi_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\xi }),\\ \delta_{t+1} &= \delta_{t} + \zeta_{t}, ~~~~~~~~~~~~\zeta_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\zeta}), \end{aligned} \]
에서 AddLocalLinearTrend()
을 사용하면 된다.ss <- list()
ss <- bsts::AddLocalLinearTrend(ss, y) # y : The time series to be modeled
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t} &= \tau_{t} + \epsilon_{t},~~~~~~~~~~\epsilon_{t}\sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon})\\ \tau_{t+1} &= -\sum_{s=1}^{S-1} \tau_{t+1-s} + \omega_{t}, ~~~\omega_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\omega}), \end{aligned} \]
에서 AddSeasonal()
을 사용하면 된다.ss <- list()
ss <- bsts::AddSeasonal(ss, y, # y : The time series to be modeled
nseasons, # season.duration의 반복 수
season.duration) # 각 시즌에서 관측수수
# cycle (s) = season.duration * nseasons
pacman::p_load("dplyr", "bsts", "forecast", "ggplot2")
# In Mac
# guess_encoding("Amtrak.csv")
# <- read.csv("Amtrak.csv", fileEncoding="EUC-KR") <- read.csv("C:/Users/User/Desktop/Amtrak.csv")
ridership.ts <- ts($Ridership, start=c(1991,1), end=c(2004,3), freq=12)
hist(train.ts, prob=TRUE, 12)
lines(density(train.ts), col="blue")
package에 있는 bsts()
을 이용하여 모형을 적합시킬 수 있다.bsts(formula, state.specification, family = c("gaussian", "logit", "poisson", "student"), data, niter, seed = NULL, ...)
Basic STS Model
을 이용하여 적합하고자 한다.Basic STS Model
은 다음과 같다.\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t} &= \mu_{t} + \tau_{t} + \beta^{T}x_{t} + \epsilon_{t},~~~~\epsilon_{t}\sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon})\\ \mu_{t+1} &= \mu_{t} + \delta_{t} + \xi_{t}, ~~~~~~~~~\xi_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\xi }),\\ \delta_{t+1} &= \delta_{t} + \zeta_{t}, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\zeta_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\zeta})\\ \tau_{t+1}&=-\sum_{s=1}^{S-1} \tau_{t+1-s} + \omega_{t}, ~~~~~~~~~~\omega_{t}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\omega }) \end{aligned} \] - Basic STS Model은 \(Z^{T}_{t} = (1,0,1,\ldots, 0)\), \(T_{t} = \left[\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 1 & \\ 0 & 1 & \\ & & -1 & - 1 & \cdots & -1 & -1 \\ & & 1 & 0 & \cdots &0& 0\\ & & 0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 &0 \\ & & \vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\\ & & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1 & 0 \end{smallmatrix}\right]\), \(\alpha_{t} = (\mu_{t}, \delta_{t}, \tau_{t}, \ldots, \tau_{t-S+2})^{T}\), \(R_{t}=\left[\begin{smallmatrix}1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \\ & & 1 \\ & & 0 \\ & & \vdots \\ & & 0 \\ \end{smallmatrix}\right]\), \(\eta_{t}=(\xi_{t}, \zeta_{t},\omega_{t})^{T}\).
# Local Linear Trend
ss <- list()
ss <- bsts::AddLocalLinearTrend(ss, train.ts)
# Seasonal
ss <- bsts::AddSeasonal(ss, train.ts, nseasons = 12, season.duration = 1) <- bsts(train.ts, state.specification = ss, niter = 1000, seed=100) # niter : MCMC 반복복
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 0 Thu May 19 02:28:39 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 100 Thu May 19 02:28:39 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 200 Thu May 19 02:28:39 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 300 Thu May 19 02:28:39 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 400 Thu May 19 02:28:39 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 500 Thu May 19 02:28:40 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 600 Thu May 19 02:28:40 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 700 Thu May 19 02:28:40 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 800 Thu May 19 02:28:40 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 900 Thu May 19 02:28:40 2022
[1] 38.96105
[1] 86.43389
[1] 0.9407548
[1] 0.7354909
burn <- SuggestBurn(0.1, # MCMC에서 버릴 갯수릴 갯수
BSTS.forecast <- predict(, horizon = n.test, burn = burn, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975)) # horizon : the number of prediction
[1] 2008.007 2034.247 2005.145 2114.927 2159.952 1849.643 1985.271
[8] 1980.410 2025.083 1771.644 1738.847 2042.618 2047.263 2078.716
[15] 2049.774 2156.080 2205.664 1890.307 2028.975 2029.909 2066.173
[22] 1817.965 1788.446 2091.587 2098.778 2123.918 2100.609 2209.087
[29] 2258.041 1946.782 2080.985 2076.564 2118.590 1871.648 1843.989
[36] 2146.205
plot(BSTS.forecast, plot.original = 100)
accuracy(test.ts, BSTS.forecast$mean)
Test set 30.17445 66.89158 46.26838 1.502453 2.293063
## Month 변수 생성생성
xts(ridership.ts, order = as.Date(ridership.ts))
1991-01-01 1708.917
1991-02-01 1620.586
1991-03-01 1972.715
1991-04-01 1811.665
1991-05-01 1974.964
1991-06-01 1862.356
1991-07-01 1939.860
1991-08-01 2013.264
1991-09-01 1595.657
1991-10-01 1724.924
1991-11-01 1675.667
1991-12-01 1813.863
1992-01-01 1614.827
1992-02-01 1557.088
1992-03-01 1891.223
1992-04-01 1955.981
1992-05-01 1884.714
1992-06-01 1623.042
1992-07-01 1903.309
1992-08-01 1996.712
1992-09-01 1703.897
1992-10-01 1810.000
1992-11-01 1861.601
1992-12-01 1875.122
1993-01-01 1705.259
1993-02-01 1618.535
1993-03-01 1836.709
1993-04-01 1957.043
1993-05-01 1917.185
1993-06-01 1882.398
1993-07-01 1933.009
1993-08-01 1996.167
1993-09-01 1672.841
1993-10-01 1752.827
1993-11-01 1720.377
1993-12-01 1734.292
1994-01-01 1563.365
1994-02-01 1573.959
1994-03-01 1902.639
1994-04-01 1833.888
1994-05-01 1831.049
1994-06-01 1775.755
1994-07-01 1867.508
1994-08-01 1906.608
1994-09-01 1685.632
1994-10-01 1778.546
1994-11-01 1775.995
1994-12-01 1783.350
1995-01-01 1548.415
1995-02-01 1496.925
1995-03-01 1798.316
1995-04-01 1732.895
1995-05-01 1772.345
1995-06-01 1761.207
1995-07-01 1791.655
1995-08-01 1874.820
1995-09-01 1571.309
1995-10-01 1646.948
1995-11-01 1672.631
1995-12-01 1656.845
1996-01-01 1381.758
1996-02-01 1360.852
1996-03-01 1558.575
1996-04-01 1608.420
1996-05-01 1696.696
1996-06-01 1693.183
1996-07-01 1835.516
1996-08-01 1942.573
1996-09-01 1551.401
1996-10-01 1686.508
1996-11-01 1576.204
1996-12-01 1700.433
1997-01-01 1396.588
1997-02-01 1371.690
1997-03-01 1707.522
1997-04-01 1654.604
1997-05-01 1762.903
1997-06-01 1775.800
1997-07-01 1934.219
1997-08-01 2008.055
1997-09-01 1615.924
1997-10-01 1773.910
1997-11-01 1732.368
1997-12-01 1796.626
1998-01-01 1570.330
1998-02-01 1412.691
1998-03-01 1754.641
1998-04-01 1824.932
1998-05-01 1843.289
1998-06-01 1825.964
1998-07-01 1968.172
1998-08-01 1921.645
1998-09-01 1669.597
1998-10-01 1791.474
1998-11-01 1816.714
1998-12-01 1846.754
1999-01-01 1599.427
1999-02-01 1548.804
1999-03-01 1832.333
1999-04-01 1839.720
1999-05-01 1846.498
1999-06-01 1864.852
1999-07-01 1965.743
1999-08-01 1949.002
1999-09-01 1607.373
1999-10-01 1803.664
1999-11-01 1850.309
1999-12-01 1836.435
2000-01-01 1541.660
2000-02-01 1616.928
2000-03-01 1919.538
2000-04-01 1971.493
2000-05-01 1992.301
2000-06-01 2009.763
2000-07-01 2053.996
2000-08-01 2097.471
2000-09-01 1823.706
2000-10-01 1976.997
2000-11-01 1981.408
2000-12-01 2000.153
2001-01-01 1683.148
2001-02-01 1663.404
2001-03-01 2007.928
2001-04-01 2023.792
2001-05-01 2047.008
2001-06-01 2072.913
2001-07-01 2126.717
2001-08-01 2202.638
2001-09-01 1707.693
2001-10-01 1950.716
2001-11-01 1973.614
2001-12-01 1984.729
2002-01-01 1759.629
2002-02-01 1770.595
2002-03-01 2019.912
2002-04-01 2048.398
2002-05-01 2068.763
2002-06-01 1994.267
2002-07-01 2075.258
2002-08-01 2026.560
2002-09-01 1734.155
2002-10-01 1916.771
2002-11-01 1858.345
2002-12-01 1996.352
2003-01-01 1778.033
2003-02-01 1749.489
2003-03-01 2066.466
2003-04-01 2098.899
2003-05-01 2104.911
2003-06-01 2129.671
2003-07-01 2223.349
2003-08-01 2174.360
2003-09-01 1931.406
2003-10-01 2121.470
2003-11-01 2076.054
2003-12-01 2140.677
2004-01-01 1831.508
2004-02-01 1838.006
2004-03-01 2132.446
Month <- as.Date(ridership.ts) %>% # Date 추출NAlubridate::month() # Month 추출NATrain.Data <- data.frame("y"=train.ts, "Month"= Month[1:length(train.ts)])
Test.Data <- data.frame("y"=test.ts, "Month"= Month[-(1:length(train.ts))])
BSTS.fit2 <- bsts(y ~ Month, state.specification = ss, data = Train.Data, niter = 1000, seed=100) # niter : MCMC 반복복
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 0 Thu May 19 02:28:41 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 100 Thu May 19 02:28:41 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 200 Thu May 19 02:28:42 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 300 Thu May 19 02:28:42 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 400 Thu May 19 02:28:42 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 500 Thu May 19 02:28:42 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 600 Thu May 19 02:28:43 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 700 Thu May 19 02:28:43 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 800 Thu May 19 02:28:43 2022
=-=-=-=-= Iteration 900 Thu May 19 02:28:43 2022
[1] 38.38387
[1] 86.37815
[1] 0.9424972
[1] 0.7358398
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.07092 0.00000 1.00000
mean sd inc.prob
Month 0.1077952 0.539501 1.519912 1.414357 0.07092199
(Intercept) 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000000
# Ref.
burn2 <- SuggestBurn(0.1, BSTS.fit2)
### MCMC sample에 0인 값들 삭제하고 평균 내기 위한 함수NAPositiveMean <- function(b) {
b <- b[abs(b) > 0]
if (length(b) > 0)
### Get the average coefficients when variables were selected (non-zero slopes)
coeff <- data.frame(reshape2::melt(apply(BSTS.fit2$coefficients[-(1:burn2),], 2, PositiveMean))) # Fun : mean (0 포함 평균)NAcoeff$Variable <- as.character(row.names(coeff))
value Variable
(Intercept) 0.000000 (Intercept)
Month 1.519912 Month
ggplot(data=coeff, aes(x=reorder(Variable,value), y=value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="identity") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0)) +
xlab("") + ylab("") + ggtitle("Average coefficients")
### Inclusion probabilities -- i.e., how often were the variables selected
inclusionprobs <- reshape2::melt(colMeans(BSTS.fit2$coefficients[-(1:burn2),] != 0))
inclusionprobs$Variable <- as.character(row.names(inclusionprobs))
ggplot(data=inclusionprobs, aes(x=reorder(Variable, value), y=value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="identity") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0)) +
xlab("") + ylab("") + ggtitle("Inclusion probabilities")
# 예측
BSTS.forecast2 <- predict(BSTS.fit2, horizon = n.test, burn = burn2, newdata = Month[-(1:length(train.ts))], # newdata : 예측변수를 포함하는 변수
quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975)) # horizon : the number of prediction
[1] 2008.649 2033.859 2005.471 2115.656 2159.608 1849.589 1985.606
[8] 1980.895 2025.518 1771.432 1738.900 2042.580 2046.658 2077.231
[15] 2049.163 2155.931 2204.486 1889.507 2028.428 2029.719 2066.013
[22] 1816.823 1787.502 2091.551 2097.854 2122.777 2100.560 2208.762
[29] 2256.867 1945.645 2080.120 2076.238 2118.645 1870.599 1843.099
[36] 2145.638
plot(BSTS.forecast2, plot.original = 100)
accuracy(BSTS.forecast2$mean, test.ts)
Test set -29.77804 66.58763 45.96603 -1.599523 2.379736 0.5265906
Theil's U
Test set 0.3875899
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