Welcome to my blog! This is the personal blog of Young Eun Jeon, coming to you from Korea. This is where I’m going to record what I’m studying, especially the analyses using R.
To give you a brief introduction of me,
Estimation for a half-triangular distribution based on unified hybrid censored sample (2018)
ARIMA모형과 DLM을 이용한 테러 발생 건수 예측 (2020), Korean terrorism studies Review, 13, 102-114.
Estimation for the half-logistic distribution based on multiply Type-II hybrid censoring (2020)
New approach for a Weibull distribution under the progressive Type-II censoring scheme (2020)
Estimation of the Rayleigh Distribution under Unified Hybrid Censoring (2021)
Spatio-temporal modeling to reduce women’s fear of crime (2022)
Hybrid predictive modeling for charging demand prediction of electric vehicles (2022)
Spatio-temporal analysis with risk factors for five major violent crimes (2022)
Maximum product of spacings under a generalized Type-II progressive hybrid censoring scheme (2022)
Predictability model of the sea ice extent based on a machine learning technique (2023)
Novel estimation based on a minimum distance under the progressive Type-II censoring scheme (2023)
Predictive analysis of doubly Type-II censored models (2024)
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